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The Conflict Program appoints attorneys to defend accused youths.

The Conflict Program’s appointed attorneys provide indigent defense to youths charged with a crime in Contra Costa county. The Conflict Program’s appointed attorneys provide indigent defense to Contra Costa county youths.

What is a juvenile offender?

A juvenile offender is an individual who is under the age of 18 and has committed an offense that would be considered a crime if committed by an adult. The California juvenile justice system recognizes the unique circumstances and needs of juvenile offenders, aiming to rehabilitate rather than solely punish them. Juvenile offenders are subject to different procedures and laws compared to adult offenders.

Our appointed attorneys handle two types of Juvenile cases. Delinquency cases involve children up to eighteen years old who are accused of committing a criminal offense, and our office represents the children in these cases. Dependency cases involve allegations of neglect or abuse by the parents or guardians towards their children, and our office represents both the parents and the children in these cases.

Juvenile proceedings in Deliquency Cases:

Juvenile proceedings in Dependency Cases:

The Conflict Program appoints attorneys to represent indigent people charged with a crime in Contra Costa county.

The Conflict Program’s appointed attorneys have provided indigent defense representation to people charged with a crime in Contra Costa since 1984. Conflict Program attorneys represent indigent individuals in various cases. Referrals to the program come from the Contra Costa Public Defender's Office, the Alternate Defender Office, or directly from the court.